Tcl Extension for Windows RCS Version $Revision: 1.7 $ RCS Last Change Date: $Date: 2009/05/07 05:27:16 $ Original Author: Michael I. Schwartz, {LICENSE} THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR WITH PERMISSION TO USE, COPY, MODIFY, AND DISTRIBUTE IT FOR ANY PURPOSE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1) IN SOURCE FORM, THIS HEADER MUST BE PRESERVED AND THESE CONDITIONS PROPOGATED 2) IN BINARY FORM, THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR MUST BE ACKNOWLEDGED IN DOCUMENTATION AND CREDITS SCREEN (IF ANY) 3) FOR ANY COMMERCIAL SALE, THE AUTHOR MUST BE NOTIFIED OF THE USE OF THIS CODE IN A PARTICULAR PRODUCT; THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR MAY CITE THE COMMERCIAL SELLER AS A BENEFICIARY OF THE CODE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, ITS DOCUMENTATION, OR ANY DERIVATIVES THEREOF, EVEN IF THE AUTHORS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. THE AUTHORS AND DISTRIBUTORS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE AUTHORS AND DISTRIBUTORS HAVE NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. FUNCTIONS MARKED WITH MICROSOFT COPYRIGHT WERE LARGELY BASED ON THE WINCAP32 EXAMPLE PROVIDED WITH MSVC++ 5.0. {SYNOPSIS} This file contains commands to extend TK for Windows 3.11, Windows 95, and Windows NT 4.0 features The commands are: gdi The details of each command's options follow: {GDI} The GDI command is a small, experimental extension for allowing direct access to a subset of Windows drawing routines. The subset selected has the nature that it maps to postscript nicely in case of Unix implementation. Several models for preparing such an extension are available. X windows provides a drawing model, Windows provides a drawing model, and Tk canvases provide a drawing model. The original purpose of the extension was to test the printer extension. As these ideas have matured, it seems more useful to have a Tk model rather than a postscript model of printing. The first "real" revision of this package is likely to support many of the canvas techniques. The initial canvas emulation code has gone in. I am still looking to see if there is an easy way to grab a copy of, or modify, the existing canvas code so that many other special cases will be taken care of. GENERAL LIMITATION: While the extension has been provided for Tcl7.5 and Tcl7.6, the font command options will be unlikely to work correctly for these versions, and no great effort is likely to go into doing so. If anyone wishes to correct this and send the fix to the author, though, I will be happy to incorporate it. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= gdi arc hdc x1 y1 x2 y2 -extent degrees -fill color -outline color -outlinestipple bitmap -start degrees -stipple bitmap -style [pieslice|chord|arc] -width linewid DESCRIPTION: Draws an arc just like on a canvas LIMITATIONS: -outlinestipple, and -stipple have no effect. gdi bitmap hdc x y -anchor [center|n|e|s|w] -background color -bitmap bitmap -foreground color Not implemented yet gdi copybits hdc [-window w|-screen] [-client] [-source "a b c d"] [-destination "a b c d"] -scale number -calc DESCRIPTION: Copies a window, client area of a window, or the entire screen to the destination hdc. ARGUMENTS: hdc Handle to destination device context (e.g., printer) window The window to copy. This can be in one of two forms Numeric: This will be taken to represent an HWND Tk window: This will be taken as a Tk path in the given interpreter. If not provided, the current application main window is used. screen This will copy the entire screen. This is not the default. If -window and -screen are both used, an error results client This will modify -window to include only the client area of the window. It has no effect if -screen is specified. source The list of up to four components represent: a x coordinate within the selected window to start copy at b y coordinate within the selected window to start copy at c x extent to copy (limited to width of window) d y extent to copy (limited to height of window) If -source is used, at least a and b must be provided. If -source is not present, the entire window is copied. If c is not provided, copy stops at the right of the window If d is not provided, copy stops at the bottom of the window destination The list of up to four components represent: a x coordinate within the destination HDC for upper left corner b y coordinate within the destination HDC for upper left corner c x extent for the copied image d y extent for the copied image If -destination is provided, at least a and b must be provided. If -destination is not provided, the image goes to the upper left of the destination HDC. If c is not provided, the image is not stretched (see -scale) If d is not provided, the image is stretched vertically the same as horizonatally scale The argument to -scale is a floating point number representing the scale factor to apply in converting the source to the destination. That is, 2.0 means to double the size on the destination, and 0.5 means shrink it to 50% of the number of pixels at the destination. calc If -calc is specified, the return value is prepared, but the text is not drawn LIMITATIONS: For some postscript printers this can be excruciatingly slow. Some printers probably do not support BitBlt, and thus will not support this function. This function does not consider "banding" for the printer gdi characters hdc [-font fontspec] [-array arrayname] DESCRIPTION: Creates an array of character widths in device coordinates for the currently selected or the specified font. Saves the result in the array GdiCharWidths, indexed by the character (including non-printable characters). If a different global array is desired, use the -array specifier. LIMITATIONS: Assumes 256 characters per font. gdi configure hdc [-background bgcolor] DESCRIPTION: Set/get configuration options of the HDC in general Similar to the configuration of a canvas. LIMITATIONS: Limited to getting/changing the background color, which affects text only. gdi image hdc x y -anchor [center|n|e|s|w] -image name DESCRIPTION: Draws an image, just like on a canvas LIMITATIONS: Not implemented yet gdi line hdc x1 y1 ... xn yn -arrow [first|last|both|none] -arrowshape {d1 d2 d3} -capstyle [butt|projecting|round] -fill color -joinstyle [bevel|miter|round] -smooth [true|false|bezier] -splinesteps number -stipple bitmap -width linewid DESCRIPTION: Draws a line just like on a canvas LIMITATIONS: -capstyle, -joinstyle, and -stipple ignored gdi map hdc [-logical x[y]] [-physical x[y]] [-offset {x y}] [-default] [-mode mode] DESCRIPTION: Changes the mapping mode for the device context Uses ISOTROPIC mode if only x is provided for physical and logical, uses ANISOTROPIC mode if both are provided. Also a linear offset is provided, and the ability to select an enumerated or numeric mode. The enumerated names are the same as the Windows interface names (e.g., MM_HIENGLISH). Return value is a set of pairs describing the current transformation. LIMITATIONS: Windows only allows translations and scaling. Rotation is not supported. gdi oval hdc x1 y1 x2 y2 -fill color -outline color -stipple bitmap -width linewid DESCRIPTION: Draws an oval just like on a canvas LIMITATIONS: -stipple is not implemented gdi photo [-destination "x y [w h]"] -photo name DESCRIPTION: Places a photo on the output at 0 0 (or the given coordinate) at its natural size (or stretched to width w and height h, if provided). LIMITATIONS: Does not detect a badly named photo gdi polygon hdc x1 y1 ... xn yn -fill color -outline color -smooth [true|false|bezier] -splinesteps number -stipple bitmap -width linewid DESCRIPTION: Draws a polygon just like on a canvas LIMITATIONS: -stipple is not implemented gdi rectangle hdc x1 y1 x2 y2 -fill color -outline color -stipple bitmap -width linewid DESCRIPTION: Draws a rectangle just like on a canvas LIMITATIONS: -stipple is not implemented gdi text hdc x y -anchor [center|n|e|s|w] -fill color -font fontname -justify [left|right|center] -stipple bitmap -text string -width linelen -single -backfill -unicode DESCRIPTION: Draws text just like on a canvas -single is a new feature that ignores newlines and prints as a single line tabs are expanded. -backfill is a new feature that fills the text background with the background color. The default is to make the text background transparent. -unicode converts the string to unicode before drawing it (using DrawTextW). This is normally a good thing to do when the fonts you are using for output are Unicode fonts. RETURNS: Height of the output text block LIMITATIONS: The -font flag is honored in a very limited way -- "fontname size style ..." mechanism ([3] in the current reference manual). gdi version DESCRIPTION: Returns the current version number of the extension LIMITATIONS: None